Journaling for Interpreters
ASL Workshop. 0.3 PS CEUs. Come join us for an interactive workshop on how journaling can enhance your interpreting skills!Journaling for InterpretersThis interactive online workshop is designed specifically for sign…
ASL Workshop. 0.3 PS CEUs. Come join us for an interactive workshop on how journaling can enhance your interpreting skills!Journaling for InterpretersThis interactive online workshop is designed specifically for sign…
ASL Workshop. 0.3 PS CEUs. Join us for a workshop on being kinder to ourselves as interpreters, because we deserve compassion too!Self Compassion for InterpretersIt is easy to give lip…
ASL Workshop. 0.3 PS CEUs. Use a trauma-informed approach to assess and identify the impact of interpreting stressful and traumatic events.Northern Lights Library Branch. Meeting Room 2Using a trauma-informed approach,…
A Call to Action - ASL Workshop presented by Mani Garcia and hosted by Heritage Interpreting - 0.3 PP0 CEUs availableWith lecture, group discussion, and guided self-reflection activities this workshop…
Considering Ethics, Institutional Conflicts, and Professional Interactions. Virtual Workshop, presented in ASLThe number of Deaf professionals is growing rapidly as deaf individuals continue to break through glass ceilings. Despite these…
Dive deep, unpack shame, get vulnerable. Jana uses movement, humor, and games to lead this interactive workshop. Presented in ASL. .2 CEUs.Based on the work of Dr. BrenĂ© Brown, shame…
Develop skills for working with DeafBlind consumers through hands-on practice and real-world scenarios. Presented in ASL. Lunch is provided.This workshop will provide participants an opportunity to take a closer look…
0.3 CEUs offered. Interpreting workshop presented in ASL - Improve your knowledge and practice of working with DeafBlind consumersThis workshop will provide participants an opportunity to take a closer look…
.15 PS CEUs offered. Presented by Nikki Moran, hosted by Heritage Interpreting and OCRID. Workshop presented in ASL only.Interpreting in a hospital setting throws the interpreter into the situation headfirst.…
Amelia Bowdell offers practical tools and tips to participants for filing taxes as an interpreter. Workshop in ASL only. Offering .2 PS CEUsParticipants will explore the business side of being…