The Adaptable Interpreter Workshop
Jana Mauldin guides interactive discussion about how we assess and adapt to scenarios the moment we enter. Workshop in ASL - .35 PS CEUsFrom classrooms to courtrooms, interviews or interventions,…
Jana Mauldin guides interactive discussion about how we assess and adapt to scenarios the moment we enter. Workshop in ASL - .35 PS CEUsFrom classrooms to courtrooms, interviews or interventions,…
Intro to Mindfulness by Will Estes - anyone interested in learning more is welcome! Virtual workshop in ASL .1GS CEUs offeredMindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present,…
For stakeholders in the Deaf, ASL, and Interpreter communities who want to grow in their allyship to BIPOC colleagues and consumersCome and be a part of an impactful conversation, and…
This workshop is for ASL interpreters that are interested in working with DeafBlind individuals, and learning how to best meet their needs.Art Roehrig offers a perspective from the intersection of…